The CLSA COVID-19 Antibody Study studies the impact of COVID-19 among older adults in Canada, a population that has been shown to be at greatest risk for severe outcomes from COVID-19 disease. The study collected blood samples from CLSA participants to estimate levels of immunity among older adults and provide a deeper understanding of some of the factors that affect their experience of the disease.
This study was funded by the Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Immunity Task Force. The mandate of this task force is to describe how widespread the coronavirus infection is in Canada.
The COVID-19 Antibody Study recruited a random sample of participants already enrolled in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. The study is now complete.
Individual results from the CLSA COVID-19 Antibody Study have been sent to all participants. A summary of findings from the CLSA COVID-19 Antibody Study is available here.
The CLSA is designed to exist until 2059. All blood samples are labelled with a unique study number, not your name, at the time of collection. They will be stored long-term in freezers at McMaster University until relevant analyses are completed.